
Oh? you found the meteor blocks to make the forge?
In case you didn't... here is the recipe to make it!

Okey so you have your Forge... but you need more things...
The first one is the liquid barrel... you need this one to store the liquid that the forge smelts.

Now that you have this liquid barrel, place it on top of the forge.
Power it by putting lava inside the forge and then put in your meteor block.
It should now look like this. If that`s the case... then you`r on the right way!

Now you can look inside the upper GUI: it will show that you have 5 meteorite liquid...
You can also smelt other things in this forge. However, those don't have any goal yet. Check to see what combinations there are!
Now you should make the last 2 blocks for this system. The Reforger and the Pipe.

You can now place those down either on the right or on the left. The Pipe comes on the same level as the liquid barrel.
The Reforger comes on the same level as the Forge, so the pipe is ABOVE the reforger.
It should look like this:

Now there are 3 options.

1. Turn your liquid back into a block
2. Get the liquid
3. make special items.

Turn your liquid back into a block

So first you need to make a special item. This is very easy to do.
Put a stone block into the reforger´s first slot.

Now right click on the PIPE! You need to have enough liquid for this (20 meteor liquid)
Result should be

Now you have an item called the Block Slot. You just need this item once to get all sort of blocks!
Put the item in the upper slot like this:

Now you can click on the pipe again. Not all liquids can be turned into a block. As an example we will take the gold liquid.
look to see what blocks you can get! After clicking you should get the block:

Get the liquid

So first you need to make a special item. This is also done very easily.
Put a Wooden Bucket into the reforger´s first slot.

Now right click on the PIPE! You need to have enough liquid for this (20 meteor liquid)
Result should be:

Now you have an item called the Bucket Slot. You just need this item once to get all the liquids
Put the item in the upper slot like this:

Now you first need to add buckets in the bucket slot.

Now you can click on the pipe again. As an example we will take the gold liquid.
Look to see what liquids you can get! After clicking you should get this liquid in a bucket:

Like you can see, it also takes the bucket out of the bucket slot, so no free buckets ;)

make special items.

We can create multiple items with this. Check out the page to see a full list of everything you can make!
We will give one example(The Stick Pattern):
Like you can see, you need Meteor Fluid to make this Stick pattern. It costs 40 Meteor Liquid and you need a Stick in the above slot.
Put the stick in the reforger like this:

Now right click the pipe to get the Stick pattern

Put the stick pattern in the upper slot

Right click again on the pipe

Now you have the meteor rod! Used for crafting!